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Documentation on how clients, or more specific players, should interact with Ybrid®, a Hybrid Dynamic Live Audio Technology Platform. As well, several example players written e.g. in HTML5/JavaScript are available.


This project contains the documentation and also example code on how to interact with Ybrid® from a player’s perspective.


Here you’ll find an MD file containing the API specs on how to interact with the platform.

Demo Clients

Players for demonstration purposes can be found in demo/. These also can be used as a good starting point for your own development.

Version Language Link Description            
Chrome Edge Firefox Internet Explorer Opera Safari
V1 HTML5/Javascript Bare HTML Swap Only Player A bare player, that is only able to swap. (✓) - - -
V2 HTML5/Javascript Bare HTML Player Bare player for V2, only containing the really necessary components. - - - (✓)
V2 HTML5/Javascript Extended HTML Player A beautiful and colorful player with a console, several plots, and showing current metadata in JSON. - - - (✓)




Ybrid®, a Hybrid Dynamic Live Audio Technology developed by nacamar GmbH 2017-2020